Digital Marketing Strategies

Top 6 Digital Marketing Challenges & Opportunities in Nigeria –  Onlinko LTD

Hello motivated business owners, in today’s article we will be discussing the top 6 digital marketing challenges & opportunities in Nigeria.

The opportunity to solve digital marketing problems lies in the problems as such. As the saying goes: “Defining the problem correctly makes for 50% of the solution.”

As businesses navigate the ever-changing landscape of marketing in 2024, several key challenges have emerged.

One major hurdle is the saturation of digital channels, making it increasingly difficult to capture and retain audience attention.

Another challenge is the rise of data privacy regulations, which limit the collection and use of consumer data.

Additionally, the growing demand for personalized experiences poses a challenge for marketers to create relevant and tailored content.

Website for a Small Business

However, there are solutions to overcome these challenges.

By investing in creative and engaging content, leveraging emerging technologies like AI and automation, and prioritizing ethical data practices, marketers can stand out in a crowded digital space.

Building authentic connections with customers through personalized messaging and fostering customer loyalty are also essential strategies for success in 2024.

Overview of Nigeria’s Digital Marketing Landscape

Nigeria’s digital marketing landscape has been rapidly evolving, offering many opportunities to businesses looking to reach their customer base.

With an ever-increasing and increasingly connected population, Nigeria is a prime market for digital marketing activities.

 According to Statista, as of January 2022, Nigeria boasts Africa’s largest social media audience, with more than 109 million internet users – the highest number reported all over Africa.

As of December 2022, there were around 28 million Facebook users in Nigeria, accounting for 12.7% of the population, making it an excellent platform for businesses to engage with audiences.

Furthermore, the usage of smartphones is growing at an impressive rate, with more than 50 million Nigerians estimated to own one by 2021.

This makes it easier for companies to reach potential customers through mobile advertising campaigns.

The Nigerian government is also actively promoting digital technology and supporting start-ups and entrepreneurs in the sector.

The government has created a conducive environment for businesses seeking digital marketing through the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS) and the Digital Nigeria Initiative.

Overall, Nigeria presents tremendous opportunities for businesses looking to adopt digital marketing and tap into its vast potential.

 With a supportive government policy and ever-growing internet penetration rates, Nigeria is set to become one of Africa’s most important markets online in years to come.

Major Challenges in Digital Marketing in Nigeria

Nigeria is currently facing several major challenges in the digital marketing space.

Despite an ever-increasing and increasingly connected population, the country still lacks internet infrastructure, which hinders digital marketing activities.

 Furthermore, the internet infrastructure is still insufficient, making it difficult for companies to deliver quality goods and services to consumers.

Top 6 Digital Marketing Challenges & Opportunities in Nigeria –  Onlinko LTD

Additionally, marketing has been slow to adopt e-marketing strategies due to a lack of resources and expertise in digital technology.

Moreover, many financial services providers have yet to properly embrace digital marketing as part of their overall marketing philosophy.

The limited adoption of digital marketing strategies can also be attributed to the traditional marketing channels being used by businesses in Nigeria, such as newspapers, radio, and TV advertising.

These methods do not offer much flexibility or customization when targeting potential customers.

 As a result, companies find it challenging to build relationships with their customers and achieve customer loyalty.

Digital marketing strategies such as email campaigns, search engine optimization, content creation, and social media marketing are all effective ways for businesses to interact with potential customers.

These challenges must be addressed if Nigerian businesses want to maximize digital marketing potential.

 Companies can tap into this vast market with tremendous success by investing in adequate internet infrastructure, improving transport networks, and encouraging businesses to embrace digital strategies such as social media marketing and online advertising.

Nigerian companies have great potential in digital marketing, but these challenges must be addressed to fulfill this potential.

 With adequate internet infrastructure, improved transport networks, and effective use of digital strategies, companies in Nigeria can become leaders in digital marketing.

 Now, let’s take a closer look at how inadequate internet infrastructure is hindering businesses in Nigeria.

Inadequate Internet Infrastructure

Inadequate internet infrastructure is another challenge that affects digital marketing in Nigeria.

Poor internet connectivity means companies cannot access the latest technologies and strategies available in the digital world.

This has resulted in many businesses relying mainly on communication tools such as emails and SMS messaging.

Furthermore, slow connection speeds mean websites take longer to load, making it difficult for customers to access products and services.

As a result, digital marketing efforts can be hampered, and companies may miss out on potential customers.

Overall, inadequate internet infrastructure is an obstacle for businesses looking to engage with their customers online.

To take full advantage of the opportunities offered by digital marketing, Nigeria must invest in high-speed broadband networks and mobile data services to provide an efficient platform for businesses to deliver their services.

Doing so would open up new engagement channels between companies and their customers, enabling them to build stronger relationships.

Poor internet makes it difficult for people to reach potential customers outside their local area.

 This is especially true for online businesses, as they rely heavily on the availability of efficient networks to deliver their products and services.

 Furthermore, inadequate infrastructure makes it difficult for companies to access specific markets and extend their reach.

Investments must be made in inefficient communication systems nationwide to improve digital marketing in Nigeria.

 This would enable businesses to access more customers, increase their customer base, and ultimately boost their revenues.

Additionally, improved transport links would facilitate faster delivery times and reduce costs associated with product distribution, thus allowing companies to offer lower prices and better value for money.

Top 6 Digital Marketing Challenges and Opportunities to Escape Them in 2024

You may not be surprised to hear that digital marketers share the same common marketing problems year by year. The package changes, but the core remains the same.

If you survey a dozen businesses and ask them:

”What was your biggest marketing challenge in 2023?” it is unlikely that the reply list will be much different.

When marketing challenges and opportunities are so ubiquitous, why is it so hard to tackle them?

Often, it is not as easy to find the catch when you’re in the middle of the chaos. An external perspective simplifies things.

Take a look at the list below and see if you can find your top challenge among the bullet points:


You can’t escape growing costs, whether it is expensive expert rates, increasing software package prices digital transformation costs, or marketplace fees.

Trying to control costs can drive you to insanity because it’s simply impossible.

However, you can solve cost challenges for digital marketing by focusing on team efficiency, sales funnel efficiency, and workflow process efficiency.

These are the areas you can control to tackle the problem indirectly and strategically.


Technology constantly evolves. The ability to process information grows as does the amount of data available.

In the footsteps of such innovation, there are new digital platforms, each striving to capture the attention of its audience.

For digital marketers, it is one chance in a million to keep up the pace with the change. It is even more difficult to come across consumers’ attention at every touchpoint.  


When clients and marketers come at loggerheads it is usually because they understand and define goals differently.

Clients need help with defining goals via measurable objectives, and these are achievable only with SMART goals.

Smart marketing goals include metrics that can be tracked and show progress or the lack of it over time.

Therefore, if you lack clarity in your goals, you will still struggle with one of the most prevailing digital marketing challenges well beyond 2024.

For instance, creating an intuitive mobile app is not a measurable marketing goal.

Examples of smart digital marketing goals that can be measured are generating high-quality leads, raising brand awareness, increasing social media traffic, increasing CLTV, and improving ROAS numbers.   


The logical outcome of elaborate technological progress and new business models creates pressure to adapt resources.

You either search for solutions by working longer hours or reducing the number of clients. Both break down your ability to scale and grow.

The solution is not in overextending your resources but in using them more efficiently by leveraging the power of a new digital leadership system that can save up to 10 hours per week.  


How do you pitch your product or service to clients?

In a service-based business, it is a problem to scale your offer as services are not always simple to define.

And if you have tried using several marketing experts who haven’t delivered the progress to your goals, you may be even more perplexed about the right strategy.

Packaging your marketing services in products, and selling them as productized offers through a sales funnel supported by self-managing virtual teams can help you scale your business.


It is hard to come by great people and the shortage trend for high-quality staff continues to grow and will last in 2024.

If you’ve, until now, failed to find superb job candidates or reliable freelancers, it is time to rethink how you approach your talent acquisition strategy. 

Like attracts like.

Your dominant drive in 2024 should be to make your workplace attractive and motivating and bring the best people on board so that they can live up to the high-quality standards you have set for yourself, your team, and your dream clients. 


In a situation of market saturation, it is difficult to stand out.

A noisy market requires you to reach out to the people and solve their problems most efficiently, which is only possible if you remain curious about their real problems that often hide behind the initial problem.

The opportunity to solve one of the biggest marketing challenges – competition – is hidden in plain sight: in your openness to ask more questions until you come to the root of the issue and provide the ideal offer they won’t be able to refuse.

What are the top marketing challenges and opportunities your business is facing in 2024?


In conclusion, digital technologies have changed how businesses market their products and services.

 By leveraging these new channels, companies can reach a larger audience and create more meaningful customer relationships.

 Additionally, by using data-driven insights to personalize their messages, businesses can create a more tailored experience that leads to greater customer satisfaction and increased sales.

Ultimately, while digital marketing presents many challenges in Nigeria due to inadequate infrastructure and the slow adoption of technology, the potential rewards make it worthwhile for businesses looking to gain an advantage in this increasingly competitive landscape.

Do you want to learn more? Or do you need assistance with your digital marketing?

Click here to schedule a call today with Onlinko LTD, a digital marketing agency in Lagos, Nigeria. Since 2019, we have been assisting businesses like yours to grow online.

We would be glad to assist you too!





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