Stay top of Mind for Admission

Mastering Enrollment Strategies: How to Stay Top of Mind for Admission This Year

In today’s competitive landscape, it can be challenging to stand out and stay top of mind for admission. As an educational institution, one of our primary goals is to attract and enroll the best and brightest students. This is where enrollment strategies come into play. In essence, the strategies for managing school enrollment are all about […]

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Private School Marketing

Trends in Private School Marketing For 2024 In Nigeria – Onlinko LTD

The new year brings new opportunities and challenges to school marketers. As marketing is evolving, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for increasing admissions and open-day sign-ups. In this guide, we delve into the key trends shaping education marketing in 2024, offering insights and practical examples to navigate these challenges effectively. Engagement With Community

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School Marketing

8 Smart School Marketing Strategies to Boost Enrollment and Engagement

Marketing is a crucial aspect of any school’s success, as it helps to attract more students and fosters an environment of growth. However, knowing how to approach school marketing effectively can be challenging. As an educational institution, it is crucial to recognize the significance of marketing in today’s competitive landscape. Marketing plays a pivotal role

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Facebook Advertising

Art of Facebook Advertising: 6 Essential Steps to Creating High-Converting Ads

In today’s digital age, mastering the art of Facebook advertising is essential for achieving success. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides an unparalleled platform to reach your target audience. However, creating high-converting ads requires careful planning and execution. Before diving into the steps, it’s crucial to understand why high-converting ads are important.

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School Marketing

7 Killer Digital Advertising Rules for SMB Brands In Africa

Digital advertising is crucial for SMB brands to thrive in a highly competitive marketplace. Unlike traditional advertising, digital advertising allows SMBs to target specific audiences and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns. It provides a cost-effective and efficient way to reach potential customers, build brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales. By embracing digital advertising, SMB

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Inside Scret to Drive Content Conversion

Crack the Code: 6 Insider Secrets to Drive Content Conversions through the Roof

Using the right keywords and calls to action is part of content optimization and it is essential to multiply conversions. Optimizing content is a fundamental technique to increase your website conversion rate and content conversion. When you create relevant, easy-to-read content, you increase the likelihood that visitors will take the actions you want. In this article, we’ll

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School Marketing

Dominate Your Local Competition: 5 Expert Tips to Position Your Business Locally

If you have a business with a strong local component and the audience you want to target is within a specific geographical area, you must follow an obvious online positioning strategy. This is called local SEO, a set of actions whose objective is to optimize your company’s website for any search in that geographical area.

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Factors to Consider When Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency in 2024

Digital marketing is playing a much larger role in our daily lives. With the rise of connected devices, coupled with digital ecosystems and an emphasis on digital media campaigns, the global digital advertising and marketing market is projected to reach over $780 billion by 2026. Businesses of all sizes are leveraging the reach and benefits

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Facebook Ad Targeting

5 Expert Facebook Ad Targeting Tips to Skyrocket Your ROI

In today’s digital age, Facebook advertising has become a cornerstone of marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. Want to boost your Facebook advertising ROI significantly in 2024? Targeting is one of the most important components of any campaign, and these 7 Facebook ads targeting tips will help… Maximizing return on investment (ROI) requires more

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Healthcare Business

8 Digital Marketing Mistakes Every Healthcare Business Should Avoid

As healthcare consumerism continues to rise, more and more patients expect a healthcare experience as innovative and digitally advanced as other service sectors. As a result, digital marketing has the power to attract patients, grow revenues, build brands, and strengthen loyalties. So why aren’t your digital marketing programs as successful as you would hope? The

8 Digital Marketing Mistakes Every Healthcare Business Should Avoid Read More »