Google Ads Management Services Lagos

We create bespoke Google Ads campaigns for clients by using a variety of creative and technical techniques. We specialize in developing successful strategies, even in the most competitive industries.

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Our Google Ads Management Services Explained

What is Google AdWords PPC?

Google AdWords is the advertising service offered by Google to allow companies or individuals to pay for premium ad space at the top of Google’s search results.

The payment plan for this service operates under a pay-per-click policy, where you pay every time a user clicks on your elevated site. PPC is a great way to gain a lot of paid traffic to your website and, with over 80% of all searching traffic going through Google, using AdWords PPC management is more critical than ever.

Why Does Your Business Need Google Adwords Management

Digital marketing isn’t static – it is fluid, always moving and evolving. SEO and PPC are only two forms of digital marketing, but these alone are complicated marketing techniques many businesses may need a hand in, which is why our PPC services are approachable and results-driven.

All businesses need a paid search campaign if they are to compete with their competitors. Bidding for keywords and having your ads appear before theirs only improves your visibility and increases conversion rates. Your PPC campaign needs to be done correctly, though.

Chasing the wrong keywords, for instance, can only cause you to waste money and time. This is why having an agency to do the legwork for you can be cost-effective in the long run.

Onlinko is a trustworthy and results-driven pay-per-click agency, always looking to improve their clients’ PPC and SEO endeavors. We have years of experience in PPC, which is why we are excited to share our knowledge with businesses in need of effective digital marketing.

How Does Our Google AdWords PPC Process Work?

Every successful AdWords campaign will go through the same process, and this process starts with you. Start first with a list of goals that you want to achieve, including business objectives and return on investment (ROI) goals. Once you have these, we can then work with you to create a comprehensive campaign.

As an AdWords management agency, we take all the hard work out of AdWords management and ensure the greatest possible success rates, rather than wasted budget.

What does a good google AdWords PPC campaign look like?

Each of our Google AdWords management campaigns involves:

A PPC Strategy

To craft a successful PPC campaign, our AdWords management company will conduct extensive research into your business, industry, competition, and demographic to ensure that the strategy we build for you is optimised for your success.


Once we have created your custom strategy, we work on implementing it or by updating any existing campaigns you already have into brand-new campaign ideas.


Intensive keyword research is undergone so that we select the most relevant and best keywords for your campaign. By doing so, we provide you with the greatest ROI possible.

Adcopy Writing

To ensure the most click-throughs, we create ad copy for both your ad on Google and for your landing pages. By having a strong call-to-action, it helps to make your landing page highly relevant to users.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions allow you to stand out amongst the rest. It is an invaluable tool to have. As your trusted Google AdWords agency, we work on implementing the very best extensions for you.

Shopping Ads

We optimize any shopping campaign or product listing ads you need creating. This is so that you promote your inventory using relevant search terms and keywords.

Tracking & PPC Optimisation

For optimal success, we continue to track your account and optimise our efforts for continued results. We watch for all changes, big and small, and make fine-tuned adjustments as needed.

Measurement and Reporting

You need more from your Google AdWords management company than just the promise of a strong strategy, which is why we produce regular reports to showcase the progress on your campaign. This report will include what we’ve done and how well your PPC campaign is performing.

Let’s Get Started

It goes without saying that you can create your own AdWords campaign, but without strategic planning and ongoing management, this can lead to a lot of wasted money. By using our services, you can create targeted ads that gain the most traffic and ROI for your business.

Our awesome team are here and ready to help your business succeed, so what are you waiting for? Get in touch to find out more.

Google Ads Management Benefits

Onlinko Digital Marketing Agency has a wealth of experience in many industries. Our Google ads campaigns provides you with the ability to define your target audience. As with any campaign, knowing who you are appealing to will help your ads become more relevant to them. This could mean targeting your audience through geographical locations, age, gender, social demographics, and much more. We give our clients recommendations on the best Google ads campaign ad strategy which could be search engine text ads, Google shopping, native ads and display ads.

We have helped many clients succeeded in digital marketing such as Vision Care Eye Clinic, De-Twist Dental Clinic, Lavinda Eye Clinic, Umeano Dental Clinic, Chi-Bright Interiors, Windel International School

Deep PPC Understanding

Our PPC team members have many years worth of paid search experience each which gives them a deep understanding of PPC and how to get the most out of your paid search campaign.

Paid Search Strategy & Implementation

PPC planning and strategy is key to a successful paid search campaign. Once the PPC strategy is approved by the client our paid search team members implement the strategy with the help of our wider digital marketing teams.

Dedicated Account Manager

Each paid search client will work with a dedicated account manager who’s goal is to work with the client and the PPC team to meet all the campaign goals and objectives.

Strategic Reporting

We are dedicated to delivering long-term, sustainable results for a brand. We continually focus on performance and delivering ROI for your brand, which is why we analyse a campaign through detailed reporting – and we offer full transparency on our approach.